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What to Expect During an HVAC Inspection

Getting a heating and air conditioning (HVAC) system inspection can help improve your system’s efficiency by finding any trouble spots. Once those problems have been found, then you can go about repairing them. For commercial buildings, it is best to have an inspection on a biannual basis to keep your system running smoothly and upgraded … Continue reading "What to Expect During an HVAC Inspection"


The Benefits of Getting a Commercial HVAC Retrofit

The Benefits Of Getting a Commercial HVAC Retrofit There is not a company in the world that is not looking to save energy and money. Those with older heating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems may want to replace their entire system, but might find the cost prohibitive. Luckily there is a way to save energy … Continue reading "The Benefits of Getting a Commercial HVAC Retrofit"

Cooling, Heating

A Comprehensive Guide to Variable Frequency Drives

Variable frequency drives (VFD) are used in appliances and compressors of all sizes. They can help make electrical motors more efficient. They work by managing the frequency and the voltage so that they use energy in the most efficient manner possible. They are being used more and more as the development of the technologies has … Continue reading "A Comprehensive Guide to Variable Frequency Drives"


What To Know About Eddy Current Testing

Eddy current testing is a way for those who work with specialty metals to test for imperfections, such as cracks or gaps. These flaws are detected by electromagnetic induction. It can catch these flaws on the surface of the material, but also in the sub-surface. Not only that, but eddy current testing can also be … Continue reading "What To Know About Eddy Current Testing"


Why You Should Consider an HVAC Package Unit

We all want to stay cool in hot weather and warm in the cold, but we may not have the space on our property or in our budget to accommodate a traditional HVAC system. There is an alternative, however. A packaged HVAC unit takes up less space, and is more energy efficient than other alternatives. … Continue reading "Why You Should Consider an HVAC Package Unit"


Oversized HVAC Systems and Design Temperatures

In recent years, there has been a shift away from oversize HVAC systems that are simply too much for the space they need to heat and cool. This is because more emphasis in building and energy codes is towards energy efficiency. Buildings are required to have more accurate cooling and heating load calculations to prevent … Continue reading "Oversized HVAC Systems and Design Temperatures"


What’s the Difference Between Commercial and Residential HVAC?

Residential and commercial HVACs provide the same purpose for their respective buildings, however, the systems are vastly different from one another. Here are the biggest differences between the two. Commercial HVAC is Larger The biggest difference is the size. Residential HVAC systems are much smaller than that of commercial sites. Commercials systems also operate differently, … Continue reading "What’s the Difference Between Commercial and Residential HVAC?"


Why Now Is the Time to Have Your Furnace Looked At

No one wants to think about the cold days of winter, however, you should always have your furnace prepared before the season begins. A fully working furnace is imperative to surviving the harsh temperatures of winter, and it is best to ensure it is in working order sooner than later. Here are three reasons why … Continue reading "Why Now Is the Time to Have Your Furnace Looked At"

Heating, HVAC

Why your heating bill is too high

As cooler weather approaches, you will eventually have to turn the heat on. While it is obvious that your heating bill will be higher in the Fall and Winter, sometimes it seems too high. Learn which factors can contribute to raising your bill, and some tips you can follow to prevent an outrageous monthly cost. … Continue reading "Why your heating bill is too high"

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