7 Ways to Winterize a Building

An unpleasant fact of life is that a lot of the energy in your structure or commercial structure spent on heating is wasted due to failing insulation and lack thereof. If you address a lot of the issues you will have a chance to make that a thing of the past, so consider what you can do to make it happen. With the proper insulation, your structure and its HVAC system will be much easier to work with and they won’t waste as much energy trying to keep your building warm. The biggest consumers of energy happen to be large appliances such as freezers, water heaters, dishwashers and washing machines, but HVAC systems can also eat up a lot of energy when they are working with poor insulation. You can work on this before the winter season, allowing you to install all of these and to deal with house cleaning when the job is done. Be careful when working as you may need to perform upholstery cleaning and carpet cleaning if you work with foam. The following examples will explain how you can winterize your building properly to avoid any issues up ahead:
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More Ways to Prepare a Building for Winter Weather

People are usually well-versed in ways to winterize their homes, but can sometime neglect to apply the same treatment to their commercial buildings. Understanding the precautions necessary to winterize your commercial property is important to maintaining the operations of your business.

Maintenance for the Building

  • Make sure that gutters have been cleared of any objects, including leafs or other organic material. This ensures proper draining during the cold months.
  • Make sure that nothing is blocking your drains. If moisture is not draining properly in the winter, it could cause significant damage. Inspect and roof flashing penetrations or building envelopes as well, and seal them to prevent water from flowing into the building.
  • Inspect gutters to make sure they are properly attached to the building
  • Make sure any accumulated debris is removed from basement and foundation drains, especially the storm drains in the parking lot.
  • Trim any nearby trees or large shrubs to reduce the amount of leaves or branches that could enter the drains
  • Service your heating equipment early. This will ensure that nothing breaks down when it is being used constantly during the winter.
  • Test all carbon monoxide detectors
  • Discourage the use of space heaters, but in cases where they are permitted, make sure they have a UL label

Removing Ice and Snow

A representative for a Denver roofing company offers the following pieces of advice:

  • Make sure you already have the proper tools before winter. This includes shovels, salt and other material to melt the ice, and anything else necessary to facilitate the removal of snow in your area.
  • Review any contracts you have with the maintenance crew if you have hired one. This will reduce the amount of unanticipated bills later in the winter, and ensure you receive the service you desire.
  • Make sure your exterior lighting works. This makes it much easier to remove ice and snow during the evening when the building is closed for business.
  • Start any parking lot repair before winter begins, especially pot holes and curb damage.

Preventing Frozen Pipes

A spokesperson for Asbestos Abatement in Denver offers the following:

  • Make sure any irrigation system is turned off. This will keep water inside the pipes from freezing.
  • Make sure any wall or attic pipes are sealed to prevent airflow near the opening.
  • Consider a temperature alarm in any high risk areas, and add extra insulation near pipes in your attic or basement
  • If possible, let a sink drip if it happens to be in an extremely cold area (only if the water cannot be drained or turned off).
  • Make sure all your windows and doors have the proper sealant, especially if they are in an unheated area of your property.

Dehumidifier Types and Guidelines

Dehumidifiers are a great way of keeping moisture levels down around your office, especially since high moisture will often become a cause for mold and that would mean harder house cleaning in the end. There are more than a few types of dehumidifiers you can use for that purpose, but not all of them will have the same performance. With a good dehumidifier you will have a much easier time dealing with carpet cleaning and floor cleaning as well. There are a few types you can make use of, such as the following:
Continue reading “Dehumidifier Types and Guidelines”

Prevent Your Business from Spending Too Much on Heating and Cooling

Heating and cooling costs in large office buildings can be tens of thousands of dollars each year. It costs well over a dollar to maintain comfortable temperatures for each square foot of a commercial building, making these bills add up quickly. As a business, keeping costs low allows for a higher profit margin at the end of the year. In order to keep your HVAC system costs to a minimum, you want to be sure that you have the most effective and efficient system that you can have. If you have a faulty commercial HVAC system, your business is going to be spending more money paying bills than getting your furnace repaired would cost in the long run.

Prevent Your Business from Spending Too Much on Heating and Cooling

Efficiency is key. When it comes to saving money, efficiency is the key. In order to pay the least amount possible for your heating and cooling costs, you have to have an efficient working system. As HVAC systems in commercial buildings are quite complex, there are many pieces that could be faulty, making your whole system a bit less efficient than it should be.

A money-saving contract. One of the best ways to make sure that you HVAC system is in mint working condition is to have regularly scheduled inspections. By finding a licensed commercial HVAC contractor and signing a maintenance agreement with them to come do regular inspections, it can actually save you money in the long run. This may seem like a wild idea, but it’s true that you will be getting a more efficient working system throughout the year so that your heating and cooling bills are as low as possible.

Having regularly scheduled inspections by a licensed contractor will give you the best bang for your buck. At each inspection they will be able to troubleshoot any potential issues, such as tighten loose bolts and screws, grease moving parts and keep your equipment in good condition. If there happens to be any small problems, the inspector will be able to address it before it becomes a big, dangerous or expensive problem.

Plus, with a maintenance agreement, you won’t have to keep track of when your HVAC unit was last inspected or worry about having to schedule inspections. With the agreement, you plan on when and how often the contractor should come. Then you won’t have to worry about this part of maintaining the building, so that you can put your efforts towards building and growing your business.

Overall, to keep your commercial HVAC system running without a hitch you want to have a professional contractor around to do regularly scheduled inspections and maintenance. This is the best way to keep your equipment working in the most effective and efficient way possible. By creating a maintenance agreement you will be able to address smaller issues with your heating and cooling system before they turn into large, expensive problems.

4 Reasons to Hire Out for Commercial Chiller Maintenance and Repair Services

When it comes to installing, maintaining and repairing commercial chillers and equipment, you want to be sure that only the best qualified people are involved. These types of equipment are an investment for your company, as well as a necessary part in doing your business properly. With this in mind, be sure that you trust the company in which you do business with as you move forward in your commercial installation, repair and maintenance decisions. Furthermore, remember these 4 reasons to hire out for commercial chiller maintenance and repair services.

4 Reasons to Hire Out for Commercial Chiller Maintenance and Repair Services

Quality Assurance

The quality and safety of your products are the most important things to your company and its reputation. Maintaining your commercial coolers and chillers becomes the backbone to your company’s quality assurance of your products. By hiring out your repair and maintenance services, you won’t have to worry about a system failure as long as you have regular check-ups on your equipment.

Top Brands

Having access to a knowledgeable expert about the top brands for commercial chillers is going to help you feel confident in your selection when purchasing this expensive equipment for your business. Along with knowing the best brands in the market, a true specialist will also know the best Energy Star rated chillers.

Full Understanding

When purchasing equipment through Corporate Mechanical, you will be able to access factual data that can help you make an informed decision. When it comes to purchasing and investing in equipment for your business, it’s crucial that you make the best decision with the vision of your company in mind. Being fully informed about what the equipment does and how it will benefit your business will help give you confidence in your investment.

Trusted Care

As a company who takes pride in our services and in making sure that our clients are completely satisfied, we at Corporate Mechanical strive to be the number one trusted professionals for all kinds of commercial equipment design, installation, maintenance, and repair. Whether you are in need of custom designs or just need assistance in finding the right equipment to suit your company’s needs, we want to be the ones that people call first and last. That is why we are on call 24/7 every day of the year. To ensure that things keep running smoothly each and every day.

With a strong commitment to excellent service and quality equipment, there is no better place to look if you are in the market for installing, repairing or general maintaining of your commercial chiller. With such vital assets to your company’s quality assurance, you will want to guarantee that your products are keeping their proper temperatures. Knowing that you are getting a quality brand and have a full understanding of the product will make the whole process much less stressful for you as the business owner. Keep us in mind for any commercial equipment needs in the Minneapolis, St. Paul area.

How Air Conditioning Impacts Productivity

How can the loss of commercial air conditioning impact productivity during hot summer days?

It’s hard to believe that after one of the coldest winters in history, summer is about to embark upon us, bringing with it much anticipated warmth, sunshine and the ability to be far more active outdoors. However, if you own a business, summer doesn’t necessarily equate to happier employees due to increased exposure to the Vitamin D supplied by the sun. In fact, chances are, that as a business owner, you probably already know that the loss of your commercial air conditioning for even a day can dramatically impact the productivity of your employees in a very negative way.

How Air Conditioning Impacts Productivity

Despite commercial air conditioning being created for the benefit of cooling machinery (mainly the paper press), it was quickly recognized as a breakthrough invention that benefited businesses greatly as consumers flocked to air conditioned movie theaters and stores. Hypothesizing that climate controlled environments could benefit not only machinery, but humans, as early as 1950, government researchers began studying the effects of air conditioning within the workplace. They quickly recognized the increased productivity of employees working within offices and factories that were commercially air conditioned. The initial study noted that air conditioning boosted the productivity of employees by at least 25 percent, as well as led to less employee absenteeism when compared to employees that didn’t work in air conditioned environments.

In addition to providing physical comfort to employees in various workplaces like offices and factories, commercial air conditioning also provides added health benefits as well. Medical journals are full of documented studies citing the adverse effects that extremely hot temperatures can have on a persons health. These studies include indisputable correlating data between summer heat waves and increased mortality from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Loss of commercial air conditioning within your business, for even a day, can attribute to high levels of frustration, stress, exhaustion and thereby, naturally, decreased productivity.

William Nordhaus, an acclaimed Economist at Yale University, created a mapping analysis that found that individuals living and operating in cooler climates generated 12 times the economic production versus their counterparts living in the hottest climates across the globe.

Humidity also plays a large role in the comfort of employees and their productivity. The loss of commercial air conditioning within a work environment can wreak havoc upon the desired humidity level, attributing to sluggish employees and diminished work output. If the weather is highly humid, air doesn’t just feel heavier, it is heavier, and moves differently. High humidity doesn’t allow the human body to evaporate sweat as easily as it can at comfortable humidity levels. Commercial air conditioners supply climate controlled comfort by including condensing units that draw the humidity out of the air as it cools the workplace down.

The loss of commercial air conditioning within your business can have devastating effects on the productivity of your employees, so as warmer weather looms on the horizon, savvy business owners should be preparing to assure that their air conditioning systems are up to par in order to avoid not just the cost of emergency repairs, but also to assure that productivity remains at an optimal level.

8 Tips to Save Energy at the Office

It seem energy bills keep getting higher and higher in both the residential world and the commercial world. By switching to more energy-efficient practices, not only will your wallet benefit but also the environment. Take a look at some of these 8 tips to save energy at the office. Some of them are quick fix, change of habit take the tips, as others are going to take some research finding new energy efficient technologies.

8 Tips to Save Energy at the Office

Use Energy Efficient Appliances.
Look for appliances that have the Energy Star label on them. This is a movement from the federal government that specially marks high-rated energy efficient appliances.

Do Not Use ‘Standby’ Technology.
When leaving the office for the day, be sure that everything is turned completely off and not left on standby mode. Standby keeps the energy flowing into the equipment even when it’s not being used.

Install Window Coverings. The use of blinds or shutters on the windows will help minimize the heat of the sun directly beaming in during the summer. Allowing your AC unit to not have to work harder to keep the air cool. On the flip side, open the shades in the winter to allow the heat and the sunlight in.

Install Motion Sensor Lights. Using a motion sensor type of lighting system in the office can help eliminate energy use from people leaving lights on. This is most practical in break rooms, bathroom and anywhere that would be easy for a turned on light to go unnoticed.

Install Water-Saving Fixtures. Saving water is also another way to conserve energy. Installing water saving faucets can help improve the amount of water used. Also, the use of low-flush or even dual-flush toilets can help keep the water use to a minimum.

Set the Thermostat. Setting the hours and temperatures on your thermostat will help monitor the temperature in your office. While you are present, have the temperature set for what you desire but when you are absent, turn the thermostat down. This will help keep your electric bills down from your heater or AC unit.

Hire a Green Energy Company. There are many utility companies that generate electricity from wind and other green alternative sources. By switching to one of these companies your electric bill may decrease and you will also be helping the environment.

Use Laptops. Your average laptop versus a desktop computer will use less energy and can be more efficient. The idea is to buy the quality computer laptop over and less expensive one.

Taking note of your energy use in the office will help you to better assess the areas in which you can improve. By slowly changing some equipment and habits, you can start to lower the costs of your office energy bills month by month.

The Benefits Of Hiring a Commercial HVAC Maintenance Company

If you own a business, you will certainly understand the importance of keeping it well maintained. Many businesses overlook their HVAC systems and this leads to problems later down the line. For example, you may not realize that your air conditioning isn’t working until a heat wave strikes the area. Your employees will overheat and they won’t work to their maximum ability. This can all have an impact on your business so it really helps to have an HVAC maintenance company on-hand if you want to keep your business operation at a high level of efficiency.

The Benefits of Hiring a Commercial HVAC Maintenance Company

What an HVAC Maintenance Company Can Do For You

An HVAC maintenance company can work with you to make sure that your air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems are in full working order. They can also help you to fix any problems as soon as they arise, and this can help you to save money at a later date. You will also find that by hiring an HVAC professional you can make your systems last much longer and this is a great way to cut back on cost at the end of the year.

An HVAC company will also be able to tell you how energy efficient your systems are. For example, if your systems are not very energy efficient then you could be wasting money from the start of your business day to the moment it closes up for the night. Over the year, this can really add up but it is something that you might not even be aware of. An HVAC professional will be able to help you with all this as well as advising you accordingly so there are certainly many benefits when you hire one for your business.

Common Problems With Commercial Air Conditioners

There are several reasons that a commercial air conditioner may not function properly. These could include a faulty thermostat. A bad thermostat could cause the air conditioner to come on or shut off more often than it should. It could mean that the air conditioner is not doing the job as well as it should be and that it is ultimately costing more money to run. This is typically a simple fix but could cause a great deal of problems for the proper use of the unit.

Another possible and common issue relating to an air conditioner is if the unit is not properly ventilated. If there is too much around the air conditioner and it isn’t getting enough air, it could malfunction or overheat. Making sure the area is clear of all items that could stop the air conditioner from working properly is important. This also includes the indoor ventilation system that runs to and from the air conditioner. Vents that are not properly set up, that are blocked by items or that have filters that are full of debris can cause the unit to work poorly.

An air conditioner that has a great deal of debris, has not been oiled and cared for and has not been tuned up can stop working as efficiently. This can be easily remedied by having a professional such as those at Corporate Mechanical come in regularly to service the unit. This also gives us a chance to see if there is any potential problems headed your way with the unit and address them or repair your air conditioner unit before it gets out of hand.

If an air conditioning unit is working too hard to heat and/or cool a space, it can cause it to be less effective. This could happen if the space it is trying to move air in is too big. Making sure that you are using an air conditioner that is appropriate for the commercial space it is in will help it to work better.