Common Commercial HVAC Repairs Property Owners Should Know During Summer

Common Commercial HVAC Repairs Property Owners Should Know During Summer

As a property owner, it’s essential to maintain your commercial HVAC system to ensure smooth operation throughout the year. However, during the summer, the system works harder than usual, leading to more wear and tear. This makes it crucial to know the most common commercial HVAC repairs you may encounter during summer.


Dirty Air Filters

Dirty air filters are a common issue that property owners face during summer. The air filters tend to clog up faster as the HVAC system works harder to cool the space. In addition, if the air filters are left unattended, they can cause the system to overwork, leading to refrigerant leaks. The first sign of a dirty air filter is reduced airflow, poor indoor air quality, and reduced energy efficiency. Therefore, it is critical to schedule regular HVAC maintenance to ensure the air filters get cleaned or replaced.

Low Refrigerant Levels

The refrigerant is a critical component of the HVAC system that absorbs heat from the indoor air to cool it. However, the refrigerant levels can drop due to refrigerant leaks, leading to the system malfunctioning. Low refrigerant levels cause the HVAC system to overwork, which results in reduced cooling capacity and high energy bills. If you notice a lack of cool air or ice accumulation on the evaporator coils, low refrigerant levels may be the cause. Reach out to commercial HVAC experts to diagnose and repair the issue.

Malfunctioning Thermostats

Since the thermostat controls the HVAC system’s temperature settings, a malfunctioning one can cause significant discomfort and energy wastage. In addition, if the thermostat isn’t accurate or completely stops working, it can cause the system to operate inefficiently or not at all. The leading cause of thermostat issues is faulty wiring, dead batteries, or thermostat aging. Property owners can avoid such problems by investing in intelligent thermostats or regularly maintaining their current thermostats.

Clogged Condenser and Evaporator Coils

A clogged condenser or evaporator coil is another familiar issue property owners face in summer. Since the HVAC system works overtime to cool the indoor air, the outdoor unit’s condenser coils can collect dirt, dust, and debris. This buildup can cause the condenser coils to malfunction, which reduces the system’s cooling capacity and energy efficiency. Similarly, the evaporator coils can also collect dirt and dust, which can cause the HVAC system to malfunction. Schedule periodic cleaning and maintenance of the HVAC system to avoid these issues.

Electrical Issues

Lastly, electrical issues can cause the HVAC system to malfunction. Electrical problems, such as damaged wiring, blown fuses, and tripped breakers, can cause the system to shut down completely. If the HVAC system stops working, it’s crucial to call an experienced commercial HVAC company to diagnose and repair the electrical issues.


Property owners must maintain their commercial HVAC systems to ensure they operate efficiently throughout the summer. Property owners can schedule preventive maintenance, diagnose issues early, and avoid costly repairs by knowing the most common commercial HVAC repairs. If you notice any of the issues mentioned above, don’t hesitate to contact commercial HVAC experts to fix the problems and keep your commercial space comfortable, safe, and energy-efficient.

How to Reduce Energy Usage in Commercial Buildings and Save Your Business Money

Today, more than ever before, commercial buildings consume more energy than any other structure. Businesses that rent or own commercial buildings face high energy costs. However, with the right approach, you can reduce energy usage in your commercial building and save money. This blog post will share some practical ways to do just that.


1. Conduct an Energy Audit. To reduce energy usage, start by performing an energy audit. This is a detailed examination of the energy consumption of your commercial building. An energy audit will help you identify areas in your building that use the most energy and where you can reduce energy consumption. You can hire an energy management professional to conduct the audit or use real-time software that measures energy use. By doing this, you can create an energy management plan that will help you control energy usage.

2. Optimize Your HVAC System. The HVAC system is one of the biggest energy consumers in a commercial building. To reduce energy consumption in your building, optimize your HVAC system. Install a programmable thermostat that adjusts the temperature based on your building’s occupancy. Conduct regular maintenance checks on your HVAC system, replacing filters and cleaning coils to keep it running efficiently. Consider upgrading equipment and replacing it with high-efficiency HVAC systems. This reduces energy consumption and saves you money in the long run.

3. Invest in LED Lighting. Lighting accounts for about 11% of energy usage in commercial buildings. To reduce energy consumption, switch to LED lighting. LED lights consume less energy, making them cheaper to operate. In addition, they last longer and need less maintenance, reducing the need for frequent replacements. You can also incorporate daylight harvesting into your lighting system. This involves using natural light through windows and rooftops to light up your building during the day.

4. Switch to Energy-Efficient Appliances. Appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines consume much energy. To reduce energy usage, choose energy-efficient models when buying new appliances. Energy Star-rated appliances meet strict energy-efficiency requirements, making them a better choice for your commercial building. These appliances use less water and electricity, which can result in significant cost savings.

5. Educate Your Staff. Finally, educate your staff about the importance of energy conservation. Please encourage them to turn off lights, computers, and other electronic devices when not in use. Ensure they know how to adjust the HVAC thermostat and report leaks or other energy waste. You can offer incentives, like bonuses or gift cards, for staff who make energy-efficient choices.

Reducing energy usage is crucial for any business that owns or rents a commercial building. By conducting an energy audit, optimizing your HVAC system, investing in LED lighting, switching to energy-efficient appliances, and educating your staff, you can significantly reduce energy consumption and save money in the long run. These energy-saving methods can also help you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener planet. By taking these steps, you can make your commercial building more sustainable and efficient while saving your business money.